Clinical Research Publications
MyProstateScore 2.0 Clinical Validation Using Non-DRE Urine
New peer-reviewed research published in the Journal of Urology validates the use of MPS2 with a non-DRE testing approach.
Peer-Reviewed Research Published in JAMA Oncology Validates the Efficacy of MPS2
New peer-reviewed research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Oncology validates the [...]
Refinement and External Validation of a Novel Multiplex Urine Test for High-Grade Prostate Cancer
The MyProstateScore (MPS) test employs the long non-coding RNA PCA3 and the TMPRSS2:ERG (T2:ERG) gene fusion to [...]
Use of the MyProstateScore Test to Rule Out Clinically Significant Cancer: Validation of a Straightforward Clinical Testing Approach
In this study, the MyProstateScore test was validated for improved detection of clinically significant (grade group ≥2) [...]
Urine TMPRSS2:ERG Plus PCA3 for Individualized Prostate Cancer Risk Assessment
The purpose of the study was to validate logistic regression models, termed Mi-Prostate Score (MiPS), that incorporate [...]