MyProstateScore 2.0 (MPS2) is now available for at-home sample collection.

Predict Prostate Cancer Risk with Leading Accuracy

MyProstateScore 2.0 (MPS2) offers physicians and patients the most comprehensive and flexible prostate cancer risk assessment tool.

Predict Prostate Cancer Risk with Leading Accuracy

MyProstateScore 2.0 (MPS2) offers physicians and patients the most comprehensive and flexible prostate cancer risk assessment tool.

Doctor and Patient - MyProstateScore 2.0


Clear Results. Confident Decision.

MPS2 is a urine test designed to predict the presence of clinically significant prostate cancer by analyzing a comprehensive array of 18 unique gene transcripts. Our algorithm has been developed to optimize diagnostic accuracy and provide clinical flexibility, allowing MPS2 to be run as a biomarker-only test or inclusive of clinical risk factors, depending on provider preference. Receive individualized reports with results tailored to unique patient and clinical context.

Urine Sample icon

Urine Sample

Magnifying Glass icon

18 Biomarkers

Needle icon

Optional Clinical Factors

Report icon

Individualized Reports

Why Lynx Dx?

Lynx Dx provides superior diagnostic testing services to help people live healthy and productive lives.

MPS2 is a comprehensive, personalized biomarker available for patients who have had prior negative biopsies. They often tend to avoid repeat sampling, if indicated. A low risk result provides confidence for observation that both my patient and I can rely on."

— Adam Ball, MD, FACS

PSA screening is one of the most controversial issues in medicine, not only for urologists and clinicians but also and most importantly for our patients. MyProstateScore 2.0 is a wonderful addition to the armamentarium we have available to help us assist our patients when they face an elevated PSA and have a fear of what to do next."

— Ali Kasraeian, MD, MHA, FACS

The MPS2 report with the speedometer graphic enables me to easily decipher the report and to better explain the results and my recommendations to patients."

— Ella Anastasiades, PA-C

The decision to proceed with a repeat biopsy in the setting of a prior negative sampling can be challenging. Being able to easily show my patient his specific risk of having clinically significant prostate cancer has made these conversations much easier and understandable for my patients.”

— Michael Cookson, MD

Having as much information as possible is important. MPS2 provides an extra unbiased layer to guide us along with the DRE, PSA level, MRI and clinical factors such as age, race and family history. Knowing your patient and his desires with these tools will help with decision making."

— Sabry Mansour, MD

Elevated tumor markers are central in my decision making about ordering a biopsy. I use an MRI after deciding to do a biopsy, to determine if the patient will have a standard biopsy or a fusion biopsy."

— Tony Altamirando, PA-C

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